
School of Management and Technology

Sole higher education institution located in the region of Vale do Sousa e Baixo Tâmega, the School of Management and Technology has established itself, since 1999, as a leader in academic and industry collaboration.

This School was set up following two specific circumstances. The first was the lack of higher education offer in the region of Sousa and Tâmega, and the second was the existence of a rich and complex business fabric, featuring small and medium enterprises, predominantly industrial plants in the same industrial sector.

This school articulates higher education with the business world and is always focused on students' employability and meeting regional needs. 

With a model of education geared towards solving real-life problems, this School is an good example with regard to partnering with numerous, relevant businesses in the greater area of Porto, and sustaining the status of the region's Technological Park year after year, thanks to its 1,200 students, seven degrees and as many master's degrees.

All the educational offer aligns with our strategy of close collaboration with the surrounding social fabric and of sustainable development of the region. Beyond Solicitorship, our programmes cover management and technology areas such as Business Sciences, Environment and Workplace Health and Safety , IT Security or Computer Engineering. We train professionals able to meet the demands of an increasingly complex and specialised labour market.

Ever focused on employability.

We are Technology and Management, we are P.PORTO

Aula de Engenharia Informática da ESTGF | RuiPinheiro©

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