"Licenciatura em Artes Visuais e Tecnologias Artísticas" (Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts and Artistic Technologies)
Consultar relatórios em https://www.a3es.pt/pt/resultados-acreditacao/artes-visuais-e-tecnologias-artisticas-1
1º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Drawing 1 | 1st Semester | 6.0 |
History of Art: From Prehistory to Classical Antiquity | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Research in Arts | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Pottery Workshop | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Painting I | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Computer Drawing and Image | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
Drawing 2 | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
History of Art: Medieval and Renaissance Art | 2st Semester | 6.0 |
Image and Discourse | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Painting II | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
2º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Drawing 3 | 1st Semester | 4.0 |
Communication Design | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Sculpture 1 | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
History of Art: From Baroque To Romanticism | 1st Semester | 5.0 |
Printing Workshop (optional) | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Paper Workshop (optional) | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Textiles Workshop (optional) | 1st Semester | 7.0 |
Product Design | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
Sculpture 2 | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
History of Art: From Naturalism to Post-Impressionism | 2st Semester | 5.0 |
Photography and Video Lab | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
Methodology of Artistic Education | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
3º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Aesthetics | 1st Semester | 3.0 |
History of Art: Modern and Contemporary Art | 1st Semester | 8.0 |
Illustration | 2st Semester | 7.0 |
Sociology of Art | 2st Semester | 4.0 |
Introduction to Professional Practice | Annual | 19.0 |
Project | Annual | 19.0 |
One of the following sets: 03 Drawing or 03 Drawing 10 Descriptive Geometry or 03 Drawing 12 History of Culture and Arts
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